In summary

Giới thiệu chi tiết về bộ môn

Software Technology Department is 5 Associate Professor. in total 11 Doctor. good                 Industry in the countries with advanced education such as Germany (2), Hungary (1), Norway (1), Picked                 You (6), France (1) has been promoted not only knowledge but also the                 advantages in the way obtained in this foreign environment. Butter                 existing disciplines more 20 Fellows are pursuing advanced knowledge enthusiasts                 in Software Technology. The Department also has 2 GV practice and 6 Personnel resource development.

At the tertiary level, apart from teaching the basic subjects like Programming Improving, Lap                 Object Oriented Programming, Software Technology for ministerial fields                 IT, software engineering disciplines are teaching the courses to equip                 give students the knowledge and skills to become developers                 professional software such as Analysis and Design of User Objects, Testing and                 Software Quality Assurance, Project management, Designing the User Interface, Software Architecture, Programming Embedded and Real Time, Methods Pictures                 real, Programming Function, ...

At the graduate level, external subjects with knowledge from undergraduate Advanced, Software Technology department also teach some specialized disciplines provide the latest knowledge                 research and applications to help students develop the ability to research                 and the application of knowledge to practical work.

The main objective of the department in the future is:

  • Increase the number of articles particularly articles in specialized journals                     Rated as SCI, SAW, Scopus, of some prestigious national journal, and conferences, leading seminars.
  • Developing research to create products such as proofing tools, Software Testing, methods, the new process has applicability in                     reality, to enhance research collaboration associated with the post                     actual computing is posing in the software unit at home and abroad.
  • Improving methods, teaching content to help students, student                     knowledgeable, skills and professional manner so that students not only                     have the ability to meet the needs of skilled manpower industry section                     Domestic software that has the ability to access the industrial market share                     Global Software.

The news – Notice

PhD-level Seminar Department

Seminar Announcement Department PhD thesis grant: Software Technology Department will hold a seminar to assess the thesis Dr. Le Chi Luan NCS. Name thesis: Specification and verify each part for component-based software Time: 13h30, letter 5, right 17/11/2016 Location: E3 320-room New Glasses […]


Lecturer and collaborator

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The technical department responsible

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Research, article

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